Concentration in match


Alexandar Galabov
Alexandar Galabov Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois I have a problem:when I start a match whoever is my opponet I start with very small concentration and sometimes this leads to 2-0 results in games and then I start to play much better abd sometimes win BUT NOT ALWAYS! 

So I ask you if you can tell me some exercises to start  concentrating faster so I could win more matches


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Alexandar,

Try to warm up properly physically before the match.  Then also have a good hit up with someone.  Try to play some points and even some games.  This should get you prepared better.

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Alexandar Galabov

Alexandar Galabov Posted 12 years ago

thanks i will try


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