I get confused which stroke should I play. For e.g., when my opponent plays a short ball, I get confused about playing a push or a flick. I also get confused while countering topspins (to play a block, punch or counter topspin). I get confused in many such strokes. And I can't make decision and play an unorthodox strokes. Please help me how to not be confused.
Hi Kaustubh,
Making these sorts of decisions is something that you will get better at the more you play.
Some determining factors are how much time you have or how high the ball is or how much spin there is on the ball.
For the short ball if the ball is low with a lot of backspin, it is easiest to make a push. If the ball is higher then you can flick it.
When your opponent makes a topspin, if you have more time, you can make a punch or counterspin, but if there is less time then you make a block.
The strawberry flick is the opposite of the banana flick and involves utilising the wrist to get the ball spinning with topspin and sidespin. Used in conjunction with the banana flick it can be very deceptive. The banana flick is a more reliable stroke and that's why you see more top players using it over the strawberry flick.
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Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago
Thank You very much.