

siegfried zerweckh Unknown
siegfried zerweckh Unknown Asked 16 years ago

What is a good target number for consistency play?  100-150-200?

 Should we do consistency play as part of each training session?

Thank you very much for your time.  Your website is great!!!

Happy Holidays and a Happy new Year! 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Siegfried,

If you are trying to develp your strokes you should definitely do some consistency during each session. It is also a good way of starting to track the ball better and it is a good concentration exercise for everyone.

Even the best players during the warm up are just keeping the ball in play and playing consistently.

A good number to strat with is 100.  If this becomes easy for you increase it.  you willfind it a lot easier to get from 100 to 200 as you didto get from 0 to 100.  Once you have the stroke grooved, it is then more a matter of concentration than the stroke.

Best wishes to you too for the Festive season.


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#1 - Stroke Consistency

Session 1 of your 52 week training plan focuses on consistency of your strokes. As such we spend a lot of time working on grooving our strokes. Make sure to also watch the accompanying master class on consistency.

Watch Now

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