Hi Alois / Jeff
Can you please let me know the key element in getting the forehand topspin against backspin correct and more consistent. I find that in matches I lose some important point s because I missed out on this stroke causing an unforced error. Some times I lift it too vertical and hard against less backspin causing the ball to go off the edge of the table and sometimes the stroke is too flat off a heavy backspin causing the ball to go into the net. So I wanted to ask you the key points I need to keep in mind while executing this stroke in a match.
Hi Grenville,
I think the key points are the start and finish positions and the brushing contact.
However in a match situation the ball is constantly coming with slightly different variations of spin and speed. It is a matter of getting used to these subtle changes. As a start give the ball a bit more height over the net so that you have a better margin for error. Also keep the stroke quite slow to start with. Once you get enough topspin and height then you can start to hit the ball faster. Remember to maintain the topspin on the ball however.
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Grenville Pereira Posted 11 years ago
Hi Alois
Thanks for your advice. I am working on the same and am using my robot to feed me backspin balls in order to practice.
As you rightly mentioned in a match situation there are varying degrees of spin on the ball I see that either i am lifting the
Float ball too much or for a heavy backspin it sometimes gets so bad that I see the ball rolling on my side of the table .
My question is
1) what are the key points for me to recognize how the ball moves when it has backspin or no spin
2) when do I play slow topspin to lift the heavy backspin or play a winner I.e. a fast topspin shot.
bertus bertus Posted 11 years ago
I'm by no means an expert but I think it's difficult to say how to hit a certain ball since there are so many variables, it comes by trial and error I guess.Mostly I would not go for a straight winner but instead build up the point. What I mean by this is to firstly loop the ball; with a 45 degree angle swing and most of the time the opponent blocks that ball long and then I loop faster but with a more forwards swinging motion.
Hi Grenville,
The heavier backspin ball will keep its height for longer as the backspin will keep it up in the air for longer. You can also watch the contact. The contact will be a lot finer and faster by the other player.
The ball to play faster on is the one you are in good position for and is a little higher. Also think about if the other player is clser to the table. If they are further away and ready for a fast ball then a slower topspin can often be more efficient.
Edwin Gosens Posted 11 years ago
I think also trying to get the ball on its highest point so you dont have to lift the ball too much you can make the stroke more forward to get that speed. I dont mean straight foreward like against topspin but just a little bit more forward.