sir when i lift the ball to hit topspin it does not stays on the table it goes outrside the table
Hi Siddhartha,
Try to brush the ball more on the contact. This will give the ball more topspin which will get the ball to dip onto the table better. This will stop it from going off the table.
How is it that a player can always seem to get back those extremely fast topspins? Is it their incredible anticipation? The key to good anticipation actually lies in tracking the ball well. When you watch the ball closely your peripheral vision will pick up your opponents movements and with lots of practice those signs will help you anticipate what your opponent is going to do. This happens naturally with lots of experience. So it it your job to ensure that you are tracking the ball really carefully.
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Jonathan Huynh Posted 12 years ago
so brush the ball faster, and finish more infront? is that right?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
YOu brush the ball but it doesn't have to be faster for more control. You also don't need to finish more in front. Just take a look at the lesson we have on the topspins and check out the finish positions.