Controlling Pushes


shekhar nair Unknown
shekhar nair Unknown Asked 16 years ago

hi , my names shekhar, i just currently returned from a tournment with a lot of doubt, during push is there a technique or something which i can use to control the push because when i try to gently push the ball, right over the net to execute a short push, most of the times it bounces of the net and if i hit hard, the ball picks up height and i end up losing the point.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Shekhar,

Tournaments do that to you sometimes, but it is getting through those times that makes us better.  In this case it has made you want to push better.

The push is very much a touch stroke and isn't practiced enough.  Work on your push by practicing it for at least 5 minutes during each session.

Keep your hand relaxed and soft.  In general you don't need to have too much forward movement.  The main prblem I encounter is that people try to do too much with the stroke when pushing.  Keep the stroke very simple and short.


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In this video, we explain perfect pushes, a technique prominently used by top Chinese players that will give you a competitive edge against your opponents.

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