Correct Blade and Rubber


Steven Setya
Steven Setya Asked 10 years ago

Hi Coach,

I am a new player just starting to play ping pong after 5 years of not playing. I am currently interested in buying a new bat but don't know which bat to buy and what rubber combinations I should use. I am currently looking into butterfly or DHS, but several of my friend has made a reference to buy the Tinergy 64 for the fore hand and they say they don't really know for the back hand. I hope I can hear from you soon.

Thank you,


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Steven,

The Tenergy rubber is a good quality rubber but may be too fast.

Depending on what you are using at the moment, I would recommend Mark V to start with on both sides.

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Thoughts on this question

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi coach,

Responding to your last answer. At the moment I don't have a bat. I am using my friends bat and based on what they say I am more of an offensive player then a defensive player. I don't know which blade and rubber combinations would suite me the best. Some suggestions will be good.




Hi Steven,

Then Mark V would be good.   We have thePingSkills Touch which would be a good fit.  GIve it a try with Mark V.

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