Correct Serve


Sergio Unknown
Sergio Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Good morning my name is Sergio I'm 24 I've been playing table tennis since 16. I always had 2 questions but no one could give me the official answer. Most of the time it let to a lot of arguments. I hope you can help me. In the 2008-2009 rules book it says: "COUNTS AS A POINT: if his opponent fails to make a correct service". But that's the problem, it didn't say what an inncorect service is. My 1 question: " Let's say it's my turn to serve I throw the ball in the air swing my racket but didn't hit the ball, so the ball just drops on the floor without touching anything. Does it mean I lost a point or I have another try? And my 2 question is: " Let's say it's my turn to serve I throw the ball in the air swing my racket and touch the ball but it don't touch the table just drop on the floor, does it mean I also lost a point?" Thank you for your time. Sincerely Sergio.K

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Sergio,

This is a common question and one that many people get wrong.

I can tell you though that when the ball leaves your hand it is in play.  So even if you miss it or hit it but it doesn't touch the table, or even don't swing at the ball you lose the point.

The rule actually says that "the Service shall start with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the server's stationary free hand."  Even if you drop it from there you lose a point.

I hope that can stop all the arguments.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Position and Footwork

Learn the correct receiving position and the correct footwork to use when receiving serve.

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