Counter attack


Justin O'Toole
Justin O'Toole Asked 12 years ago

What and how is the best way to hit hard fast damaging attacking counter attack shots especially when, the ball comes back very low with backspin or no spin. Also if the ball is long or short very low with no spin or heaps of backspin?

Can you please help in this area. Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Justin,

This can be a difficult ball because you need to generate the pace and get the ball up and down quickly.

THe key to doing that is topspin.  By generating a lot of topspin you will be able to get the ball to get over the net and dip quickly to land on the table.

If the ball has no spin, you can really brush over the top of the ball fast.  If it has some backspin then you will need to open the angle of your bat and the stroke a bit to allow for the backspin.

If the ball is long then play a topspin stroke.  If the ball is short you will need to shorten your stroke to more of a flick stroke.

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