Counter hit


Harpreet singh
Harpreet singh Asked 11 years ago

I have been playing TT for the last 5 yrs now.I am 51 yrs old and play in veterans tournaments.I have a strong forehand drive but whenever i want to play forehand counter my hand tends to brush on the ball and so it turns into a drive only.  So I am unable to counter hit or hit the ball flat and so the speed of the ball is lesser.

My drives are also not very fast and those are sort of loop drives and it is due to my excessive brushing on ball.

Now how can i learn to make my returns faster and avoid my habit of excessive brushing on ball?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Harpreet,

Think about the contact only on the stroke.  See if you can get the flatter contact that you are looking for.  On contact make sure your bat is flat and moving more forward than upwards.

Start by doing some really flat taps back onto the table and then extend that slightly to a counterhit.

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Thoughts on this question

Harpreet singh

Harpreet singh Posted 10 years ago

After your answer i tried to implement but still counter hitting the ball on both forehand and backhand eludes me.It seems the problem is that i am unable to keep the bat angle rightly and so either the ball goes high or falls in net.Normally it goes high.Even when it falls on table it is on higher side.And as already said i still tend to brush the ball.When i see your video of counter hit it seems very easy to do that but in practice i am not successfull.

Please note that my topspin is very successfull and everybody agrees with that.

Do i just need more practice on counterhit or is there any other solution??

I wish to do counterhit rally for a longer time period...that is for minimum 200-300 bounces.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

I think the flat forward contact will help if you can keep working on this.

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