Counter hit inconsistency


Bevan Henderson
Bevan Henderson Asked 10 years ago

Hi Guys,

I am experiencing inconsistency around my forehand counter hit.  I can consistently go for weeks counter hitting very well and then I start to lose technique and it gets worse and worse...mostly due to me getting frustrated and searching for the correct stroke (given I think it is the simplest shot).

Would be interested in your thoughts around how to best deal with this.  Should I keep slogging away at the shot until it comes back into form or just let it be for a little while? ...or any other recommendations.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Bevan,

Yes, I think just continuing to practice the shot is the best way. Often these sorts of things are very much in the head.  Once you start thinking the stroke is not good you will probably tighten up a little which will mean the stroke become worse.  And so the spiral continues.

Just persevere with it.  Go with the stroke and relax and keep practicing.

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