Counter topspin & practicing with weaker partners


Abhiroop Bagchi
Abhiroop Bagchi Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

Thanks for such speedy & apt reply to my previous questions. They were of great help. I have 2 problems:

(1) I am a right handed player & can only counter topspin effectively with my forehand. So whenever i see my opponent going for a topspin; i usually tend to go left of my table to cover the entire board with my forehand. But that poses a problem when my opponent sends a topspin to the extreme right and as the ball speeds up after the bounce i cant reach it. So please suggest a suitable position where i should stand during countering a topspin or a method to erase this difficulty.

(2) Many a times i have to play with opponents who do not play that well. Is there a way that i can play with them & still improve my game?
Thanks in advance.  

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Abhiroop,

When making the counter topspin, the most important thing is to watch the ball carefully.  Try not to lean either way because the ball can come to either side.  You can move to the left to open up more of the table with your forehand but then stay balanced and open up the option that the ball can come to the backhand as well.  This will give you a much better chance to make the ball if it comes to your backhand.

When training with players that are weaker than you, try to find something that they do well and utilise their skill in that area.

You can also teach them how to feed Multiball.  This will be a good way for both of you to improve.

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Thoughts on this question

Ayesha Noon

Ayesha Noon Posted 10 years ago

I don't know how to do a counterspin, so can you please make a video on how to do a forehand and backhand counterspin?

Abhiroop Bagchi

Abhiroop Bagchi Posted 10 years ago


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