Crossover Point


Shripathi ramakrishnan
Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff, 

Thanks to your advice my ability to track the ball has improved. but when my opponents loop, i know where the ball comes and with how much spin, but my fh-bh crossover is very weak. by the time i turn my rubber over , (well,this is the embarrassing part) the ball makes a double touch kind of contact on my racket, which becomes a foul. how can i overcome this??


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

Firstly the crossover is an important thing to work on.

In training get someone to block a lot of balls into this area or you can get them to feed multi-ball into the crossover area.  If you get them to do it quite fast then when it comes to a game you will start to react a bit faster.

It is important to be able to track the ball which you are working on.  Keep working on it.  It is something that you can keep improving.

As a side thought, if you hit the ball twice unintentionally, it is still a good hit.  This rule was changed this year. 


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