Curve Topspin


Shaji Alavi
Shaji Alavi Asked 13 years ago

Hi Coach,

Its a delight to watch you play the curvy topspins in the video. It has now become my favorite pastime to watch the videos carefully in order to pick up the key points as much as i can.

Now that you have taught me topspins, when are we learning curve topspins? I have tried but the ball seems to dislike the table and does not want to land on it, always hits the edge of the racquet and away it goes. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shaji,

The curve or sidespin topspin is a much more difficult stroke.  You should really master the normal topspin first.  The reason the curve topspin is harder to land is because you don't have as much topspin do the ball doesn't dip onto the table and rather will slide off the side.

As you said it also is more likely to hit the edge of your bat because you are not approaching the ball with a flat bat.

You can see the lesson on the Sidespin Forehand Topspin in our free lessons.  Try not to do this too much though.  Get the basics right first.

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