Custom made TT bat specifications


Shiva Rajendran
Shiva Rajendran Asked 13 years ago

Good day Sir, 

I have been playing TT for 6 years now. My game is aggressive and defensive as per the game. I have been using butterfly Yuki 1 FL (flextra rubber) bat for all these time.

This bat is not in production now and Yuki 2 series has come which I don't feel good when playing. I have decided to  go for a custom made one. Can you please suggest me Handle and rubber that will fit my style of playing.

Thanks V much


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shiva,

We offer the PingSkills Touch Table Tennis Bats which we feel is a really good bat.  Both Jeff and I use them.

I would suggest you get it with MArk V to start with.  This will offer you good control and also be a step up from the Yuki bat. YOu can order them through the Equipment page on our site.

If you have any questions about it let me know. 

Thoughts on this question


M V Posted 13 years ago

I had bought a pingskills touch with yasaka pryde sometime back- a custom made bat from Pingskills, although the rubber was too fast for my level of skills, the bat (blade plus rubber) was excellent, i finally had to put mark V on the pingskills touch, and have found the same to be a deadly combination.

 I also found the pingskills blade flared handle really comfortable, the bat kinda gets in your palm very easily. i would strongly recommend anybody to buy mark v with pingskill touch blade from pingskills.




Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation Manish.  Yes we like it as well.  With the Mark V it is a good first custom bat for sure.

Shiva Rajendran

Shiva Rajendran Posted 13 years ago

Thanks Coach for answering my question. I am sure the bats from pingskills are very good ones, but these are definitely out of my $ range. Can you please let me know if this Yasaka Extra 3D also called Yasaka Gatien Extra 3D  is a good blade. The below are the specifications.Speed: 80 Control: 85 Weight: 83 Ply: 5

Also please advise on what rubbers can I use for this.



Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

Yes that is also a good bat.  It will do the job.

DHS 4ever

DHS 4ever Posted 12 years ago

This is a good offensive and defensive custom bat:

729/friendship Bomb blade or 729 Blackwhirlwind Blade

With DHS Hurricane 3(very fast and spinny) Red

And DHS G555(extremely tacky- for control and spin) Black


Total cost around $60-$70 depending on where you buy it.


Hopes this helps! 


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