Dealing with a fast serve to the body


bertus bertus
bertus bertus Asked 11 years ago

Hi Pingskillers!

Found out I have some trouble with the fast no spin serve to the body.

I know I should step around the ball but what is the correct footwork in doing so?

Should I step with the left foot to the left first and then the right foot a step backwards in order to get in position to hit that ball? Or is there a faster way to position myself into a good position to return that serve?

And another question I have about the fast no spin serve is how to hit that ball? To spin or hit it flat on?

Thx in advance!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Bertus,

It is best to try to step sideways to return the ball into the middle.  Even a jump with both feet at the same time is a little bit faster.

The other thing that you can do is stay is a wide stance.  This will allow you to sway your body sideways if the ball is too fast to move to.  By having a wide stance you are still balanced when you sway to the side because your centre of gravity doesn't go outside your base.

The stroke that you need for this serve is to topspin the ball.  Because the ball is coming fast it will feel like it has some backspin on it.

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Reading Spin

Once you understand the effects of spin, you need to learn how to read the type and amount of spin your opponent puts on the ball when serving.

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Thoughts on this question

bertus bertus

bertus bertus Posted 11 years ago

Good day Alois!

Thx for the advise on this subject. Due to my hight I have a fairly wide stance by default. So I think I go for the sway option. But it sounds difficult to do and needs a lot of practise. But I'll learn it for sure!



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Give it a try and let me know.

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