Dealing with Backspin


Steven Harvey
Steven Harvey Asked 11 years ago

Hi Coaches,

I have just started to play again after many years.  The other day I ran into a player who used nothing but backspin on his shots.  I Googled for a solution and found your Facebook video and then your website.  In the video, it always shows the ball going off the end of the table so the coach is able to go low and finish high to take some of the spin off.  My opponent hit very soft shots which almost never cleared the end of the table on the bounce. How do you go low on that shot when the table is in the way?  Is some kind of side spin or just returning it with backspin a good option or is there still a way to impart sufficient topspin but keep it out of the net?

Thank you very much for any help and advice.

Steven Harvey

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Steven,

Glad you found us.

If the ball has backspin and is going to bounce twice on the table it is best to use the backspin shot.  Use the Backhand Push or the Forehand Push to get the shot back.  Wait till they give you a shot that is only going to bounce once and then you can use the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.

If you can keep your push short back to them, it will give you the first opportunity to make the attack.

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Thoughts on this question

Steven Harvey

Steven Harvey Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

Thank you for the links to the videos on dealing with backspin.  They answered my question just fine.  If I was up on the terminology these days, I would have known you had already dealt with my issue.

Thanks again.


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

No problems.  There are so many different terms for the same stroke out there that I get confused too.

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