Dealing with the audience

Mental Preparation

Tahmid Rabbani
Tahmid Rabbani Asked 8 years ago

Dear Coach. 

When I play and there is no one around, I play quite well and I don't miss very many balls. However, when I am playing in front of people, they make a lot of noise and I find it vey hard to concentrate. This causes me to hit the ball of the table and sometimes miss it completely. How do you please deal with a distracting audience? Please tell me.

Yours sincerely, Tahmid

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Tahmid,

Good to hear that you are playing well in training.

To transfer that your matches and to when there is a crowd you need to focus on your emotional level.

Focusing on the ball totally will be the simplest way, however that can be harder than it sounds.

Take a look at our series on Sports Psychology where you will find some interesting tutorials.

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Thoughts on this question

Tahmid Rabbani

Tahmid Rabbani Posted 8 years ago

Hi coach.

Thanks for the advice. I watched the tutorials in the sport psychology section and I found it very useful. In matches, I now concentrate on the ball and it really helps me block out the noise of the crowd and I have begun to win more matches. Thanks for the help.

Yours sincerely, Tahmid

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Great to hear.


D K Posted 8 years ago

This is quite interesting question.
It reminds me about that I was thinking how to cause the spectactors to ignore me when I am playing -_-

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