Decreased Motivation


Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis Asked 13 years ago

Dear Alois and Jeff,
I was wondering if you guys have ever gone through a period where your passion for the sport has dropped? Was there perhaps a stage where you played too much, and you lost the drive to improve?
I have played in one league for the last few years, but this year I am playing in 3 leagues, so 3 different nights of the week. I love the sport, and am passionate about it, but I am worried that I will begin to lose that passion by playing too much? I understand how professionals manage to play everyday, as they have to earn a living, but I will gain nothing but a bit of pride from playing competitive league games three nights a week.
Have you guys ever had that feeling that you are playing too much, and you dont have that feeling of excitement the night before or a few hours before a match? As the saying goes, "you can have too much of a good thing"... is that the case with table tennis too?
Thanks in advance,

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Simon,

This is common is players that have played for a while.  The best thing is to ease off the training to start with.  If you are not enjoying the playing it will not get better with out a change of mind.

I went through that a few times while I was still playing.  It is a rally individual response as to what you do, but go with what feels best for you.

The other thing is to set some goals for yourself in your training or with your level during matches.  That will help you to get some focus back to your training.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#25 - Serving with Spin

You get plenty of opportunity to practice serving with spin in this week's training plan. We change the normal routine slightly by not having a dedicated serving time at the end of the session. Instead we focus on and practice the serve through most of the exercises. This is an important part of Table Tennis so put a lot of effort into this session.

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