Defeating a good player


Omar Thaj
Omar Thaj Asked 12 years ago

There is a boy who is very good at ping pong and i want to beat him. But no matter what i throw at him he always recieves it. He is also very good at spinning.  One time i was doing 3 topspin slams in a row and he hit all of them back. He also has good placement and makes me run from one side of the table to the other. The only way i get a point is by the ball hitting the net and going over or hitting a very hard slam.

Thank you for all your videos that you make. Watching them and practicing what you teach in them has made me a better player. I am very glad to be a member of pingskills. Players who i never had a chance of beating are now getting easy to beat.Once again thank you.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Omar,

Thanks for your kind words about the site.

It sounds like that boy may be a very good player.  Sometimes we just play players who are a lot better.  That is OK, just keep training your game in general and you will start to catch up.  It is a slow process.

When you are playing him see if you can use variation of spin and speed and try all of your serves and returns and see if anything works better than other things.

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