Defender vs defender


dylan carson
dylan carson Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois . i have this problem wen playing my coach in a match we are both defenders so it ends up as a push battle do u have any idea how i would tease him into attacking me. also how would i beat a top spin looper ?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Dylan,

You can try putting the ball a little higher on the forehand side.  If he is not keen to hit the ball then you can have a bigger margin for error over the net with some safety.  When you put it up high it will also be harder for him to return the ball low.  This may be an opportunity for you to make a strong attack.

We will be making a Match Strategy lesson on how to play Attacking loopers as a Defender.  The main thing is to stop them from making a strong first attack or making it as awkward as possible for them to attack you.

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