Defensive Blade Construction


jim lee
jim lee Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois:

Why are many DEFENSIVE blades thin and flexy eg Matsushita Pro, Barricade, Toxic 3? Seems harder to keep the ball low, which is what I presume a defender wants to do.

I find that these thin and flexy blades are slow but tend to throw high so when you chop the ball with long pips, many chops land higher than expected and sometimes the ball flies long perhaps due to the flex.

When you chop the ball with the same stroke using a faster and harder blade eg Bomb 729, the ball tends to stay linear and low and when you block, it has a breaking effect.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jim,

I think it is always a matter of preference.  Just find something that feels right for you and go with it.
I don't do a lot of chopping so can't really help you a lot with it but I hope other readers can help you out.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

Maybe you just have bad chopping technique

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