Hi Alois,
I play the Xiom Vega Pro in forehand and backhand. Because of family and working I go to training only one time a week. I know that Vega Pro is a hard rubber and not so easy to control. Now here is my question: In training matches I often lose the game. But in competition, I can win my games. When I tried softer rubbers it was the other way around: I felt safe in training, but couldn't beat my opponents. So every time I come back to Vega Pro. Should I try to work on technique or is Vega Pro too fast for my little training? Greetings, Robert
Hi Robert,
I feel if you like Vega Pro in matches then stay with it. I don't feel like it is a really difficult rubber to handle. In fact I like the feel of stand it gives some certainty in the direction the ball travels.
There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!
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Robert Dittrich Posted 3 years ago
Hi Alois, thank you for your answer. I tried a couple of medium rubbers, but at the end returned to the Vega Pro. There's only one rubber, that is the Rakza7. It is not so bouncy and indirect like other slower rubbers. I feel more comfortable and safer. I have more confidence in different returning services and placement when I'm blocking or play the strikes completly from the start to the end position.
Now my question again. I love the Vega Pro, would like to focus again on technique, for example with your great videos. Or I give the Rakza7 a chance.
I'm 42 years old and don't want to change material so much. But when it helps me in my development.... What would you decide in my place?
Greetings again from the south-eastern germany.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 3 years ago
I would stay with the rubber that you feel comfortable which sounds like the Vega Pro. I always think it is a personal choice with this. I use Rakza 7 which is fine.