Hey Ping Skills
I recently bought a new bat with 2 mark V rubbers (which are great by the way) and have had no problems with them whatsoever, however my brother keeps trying to have a go at me saying that it's frowned upon to have the same rubber on your backhand and forehand, he claims that to have the perfect bat you must have "backhand" rubber on the backhand side and a different "forehand rubber" on the forehand side. Is this true? should i have a different backhand rubber to suit my backhand stroke? And also what do you at pingskills use, the Xiom on each side?
Thanks, Luka Hickey.
Hi Luka,
It is absolute fine to have the same rubbers on both sides. Jeff and I use Vega Pro max thickness on both sides.
The more important thing though is training and what you do with the racket.
Good luck with your training.
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