Different dwell time


martinand bernard
martinand bernard Asked 11 years ago

hello my question: can we fell the different dwell times? I suppose it is difficult how many seconds beetween a short  and a long dwell time? it is difficult  because I am french excuse me.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Bernard,

It is such a small margin that it is difficult to tell.  I think it comes with experience.  Others may have opinions on this.

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Thoughts on this question

ganesh burra

ganesh burra Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

             What should be the daily routine of a TT player be like?, Also what is the diet to be followed during matches?

Is walking be used as Warmup and Warmdown exercise, I am asking because our office TT table is about 1 km from our home and I prefer to walk to the place as a part of Warm up.

Also can wrist be used while Chopping like they use in advanced Topspin strokes?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Ganesh,

For a top player they train 4 to 6 hours a day and then do physical training on top of that.

Walking can be a good warm up.  We also have a few warm up ideas in our Physical Warm Up lesson in our Training Secrets section.

You can use your wrist for more spin with your chop.  This will add speed to your racket and as long as you are getting a good brushing contact still, you will generate more spin.

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