Different styles of topspin


ahmed saeed
ahmed saeed Asked 9 years ago

Hey Alios,

One of the opponents of mine has a different way and style of serve we cannot judge his spin,placement and speed he serves a new style every day and we have named him the butterfly he has a typical topspin different from what you taught his topspin starts from the ankle and finishes as his hand straight with the the hand joint a bit curled his topspin comes with sheer speed and flight the spin is doubled and his power is less please explain his topspin.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ahmad,
Sounds like he has a big topspin swing. He is brushing the ball finely on contact. This is the Slow spinny topspin.
Here is a link on how to do it.  Slow Spinny Topspin.   
And also a look on how to counter it.  Counter a Slow Spinny Topspin


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How is it that a player can always seem to get back those extremely fast topspins? Is it their incredible anticipation? The key to good anticipation actually lies in tracking the ball well. When you watch the ball closely your peripheral vision will pick up your opponents movements and with lots of practice those signs will help you anticipate what your opponent is going to do. This happens naturally with lots of experience. So it it your job to ensure that you are tracking the ball really carefully.

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