Dimitrij service technique


dipayan Chowdhury
dipayan Chowdhury Asked 7 years ago

Why does Dimitrij go down to do his backhand serve?


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Dipayan,

This is a good question.  I think he uses it for momentum to get his legs into his serve and then move into position for the next ball.  Really it is a habit and routine that he feels comfortable with.  It is not something that I would recommend for most players to copy.

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We explain the principles behind spin and how you can generate different types of spin with your serve. We also give you some challenges so you can test yourself and see how you are progressing.

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Thoughts on this question

Jim PingPalHal

Jim PingPalHal Posted 7 years ago

I've always wondered how much sort of unnecessary burn out to his knees/leg muscles he's using up doing this preserve motion. But he is 4th? In the world and a professional athlete so I will just assume he's fine with it.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

I would be happy to have his problems... of being 4th in the World...

Karmel Barghouthi

Karmel Barghouthi Posted 7 years ago

I don't have his problems... and i am not in the first million :) 

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