Distance from the table when looping


Achyuth Murlei
Achyuth Murlei Asked 13 years ago


How far should I be displaced from the table while attempting a topspin, as many of my top spins have beautiful effect( thanks to your video)  but keep flying out of the table as I am either too close or too far

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Achyuth,

You should be at a distance where you can just touch the table as a guide.  If the block is going faster then you should move a little further away and similarly if the ball is dropping short you can move in.

The reason the ball is flying off the table could be because of the amount of topspin you are putting.  You may need to put more topspin to make the ball dip onto the table.  You will get more spin by brushing the ball finer. 

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