I'm up for a ordering a custom bat and rakza x seems awesome and i could get a decent blade as that isn't as important so it comes to a fair price. If i order 1 rubber will it come with a pair of red and black as when i order it it says would i want ti red or black? Also do all rubbers fit all blades?
Hi Peter,
When you order rubbers they come individually and they will ask you whether you want red or black.
They come in a larger square shape that you can put on any blade and then cut it to size.
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Jean Balthazar Posted 8 years ago
If you order the assembling of your bat (with usually is offered for a couple of $), you will necessarily have to select a specific red and a specific black rubber. If you don't order the assembling, nothing will force you to order 2 rubbers and you could end up with a bat and just 1 rubber.
Rubbers are provided in sqares of at least 162mm, which will suit even the largest paddles (the largest ones usually being defense blades). Here you can see the dimension of many rubber sheets :
Peter Heylen Posted 8 years ago
Thanks jean I'm actually getting mine assembled by table tennis direct so i won't have to worry about this anymore. Thanks guys for the answers.