Do I Need New Rubbers on my Bat?


Lokeswaran Kalimuthu
Lokeswaran Kalimuthu Asked 12 years ago

I'm currently using joola express 1as my forehand and joola express2 as my backhand on donic waldner black devil carbon balsa ply. While playing I'm not able to generate much spin wen i do a topspin as a result of which my opponent returns the ball back asif it s a flat ball without any spin. i play the topspin stroke correctly but still unable to generate much spin.. So what should i do??? Change my rubbers ?? if so what rubbers i should try? i'm an offensive player who like to play away from the table.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Lokeswaran,

As a rough guide, your rubbers should last around 80 playing hours before they need replacing. You can test the rubbers by rubbing your finger over the bat. If the rubber grips your finger, it will also grip the ball.

From what you have described it sounds like you may need new rubbers. We recommend Mark V, Yasaka Pryde and Xiom Vega Pro. There are plenty of other good options but these are rubbers we have used and know are good. As you are an attacking player, I would consider the Yasaka Pryde. This is quite a fast rubber though, so you'll need pretty good technique in order to be able to control it. If you are worried about that then go for the Mark V.

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