If you serve a let, who shouts let? is it me, my opponent or does the umpire shout let?
Hi Joseph,
It is only the umpire that is allowed to call a let. Often if the players think that the serve is a let they will put their hand up while still playing the point.
Are you allowed to touch the table during play? The only thing that isn't allowed to touch the table is your free hand. You leg, elbow, playing hand, and even your bat are allowed to. You are not allowed to move the table however.
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D K Posted 9 years ago
And who calls a let in a lower level matches where are no umpires?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Then both players should agree.
Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 9 years ago
I've seen many low level matches with umpires where the player who saw the let overruled the umpire and the other player abided.
Yesterday I was 6-2 up in fifth set when my opponent complained about the ball being wet. I offered a replay and he accepted. However, I was not sure about the matter and kept musing over the sincerity of the call, losing 9 points in a row.
There's a thin line between being a ruthless player and a complacent one.
Dakota Castleberg Posted 9 years ago
Dieter, I understand the situation, but isn't the psychological aspect of the game being able put the past points/calls behind you and focusing on the next point? If it was 9-9 and this situation arose, I might be a little off-tilt, but having a 6-3 lead is a situation where there should only allow minimal influence on your mental state, or do you disagree?