Does cold weather destroy my rubbers


Kevin P
Kevin P Asked 3 years ago

I usually play at room temperature. I currently don’t have a table tennis table available (due to the pandemic) so I built one (why not?). I currently have no room inside the garage, so the only option for me is to play in a fairly large shed with lots of space. I live in northern Sweden, where the winters are cold, latley it has been -10 degrees c (14 degrees f), so im wondering if it is safe to play in cold weather without destroying my rubbers.

My rubbers are Yasaka Rakza 9 and Yasaka Rakza 7, if that matters.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Kevin,

It is OK to play in the cold.  The rubbers won't be effected however, you will find that the rubbers will feel a bit slower and not as responsive in the cold.

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