I have a nagging doubt in my head to sign up for premium membership - Does online coaching really helps for TT? If so, how do I make the most of your premium membership and is it possible to learn playing TT without having a physical coach and just following your 52 week plan?
The reason I'm asking is because the place that I currently live in (Bengaluru, India) has no proper TT facilities and I'm trying to learn on my own. I'm a total newbie like the one presented on your blog.
So kindly help me with this question and I'll definitely opt for the premium content if it really helps me.
Hi Ravi,
We hope we can help you with our online lessons.
The main thing we see is that we can show you the correct techniques through the videos. This gives you a clear picture of what the game should look like.
The next important step is to do the practice. This is vital like in anything else. The body usually learns best by doing.
With the Premium membership we are then available to review videos of you playing so that we can give you feedback on your strokes or your game.
Hope to have you on board.
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Mike Deubig Posted 7 years ago
Hello, Ravi,
I took the 52-week plan and really liked it! I think it has something for every level of play. Plus the video review of yourself is also a great help!
Rohan Keogh Posted 7 years ago
Hi Ravi. If you do not have easy/regular access to a live, face-to-face coach, the right on-line coaching can make all the difference to you development. Most importantly it helps you avoid creating bad habits. Practice does not make perfect, unless it is perfect practice. If you practice the wrong technique you will either limit the level you can reach or you will have to spend a lot of time later correcting those perfected faults. I have access to facilities and coaching but am a premium PS member because I can go back to videos and 'Ask the Coach' to check something or solve a particular problem whenever I need to, 24x7.
Try it on a monthly or quarterly basis and if you decide it isn't giving you what you need, you can always cancel. I don't think you will, but you can.
Andre Bychkov Posted 7 years ago
Dear Alois and Jeff, thanks to your professional display of “handy & body” presentation of tactics and strategy in TT-play I've made real progress in acquiring some new tricks unknown to me before. Always track your lessons. Sorry I can’t invest in your generally useful business by buying your items or training programs. I’m a pensioner. What is basically awful I’m a pensioner in Russia, taken over by feudal mob. But that does not concern you. It does concern us and sport as a whole in Olympically scandalous Russia (perhaps to say “hole” is more relevant?..) best, Andre from Moscow
Thanks for the feedback Andre all the way from Moscow. Nice to know we are able to help.
Michael Wadick Posted 7 years ago
I also joined the Premium Membership and did the 52-week training program. I strongly recommend it - I was new to competitive table tennis and it has definitely helped to improve my game. Also, the videos I have sent in have been extremely well analysed and helped my game as well.