Donic Shildkrot Carbotec approved or not


Saad Raza
Saad Raza Asked 7 years ago


Is the carbon fiber racket (Donic Shildkrot Carbotec) approved with ITTF or not?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Saad,

Blades don't need to be approved by the ITTF, just rubbers.  However they do need to fit this regulation:

  1. 2.4.2  At least 85% of the blade by thickness shall be of natural wood; an adhesive layer within the blade may be reinforced with fibrous material such as carbon fibre, glass fibre or compressed paper, but shall not be thicker than 7.5% of the total thickness or 0.35mm, whichever is the smaller. 

I am not sure whether this fits regarding the percentage of wood.  Others may be able to help out here.

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