Double handed shots


dennis gonzalez
dennis gonzalez Asked 12 years ago

Hi everyone at pingskills nice to be back .

My question is when playing can a player use both hands to hold the bat like in tennis .

Thanks from gibraltar.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Dennis,

Good to have you back  coming to us from Gibraltar.

A double handed shot is allowed.  I recently checked with Graeme Ireland a noted Umpire and Referee and he assures me that you are allowed to do that.

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Table Tennis Rules Overview

This video lesson takes you through the essential Table Tennis rules. Watch the video and become an expert in topics such as how to win points, what score to play up to, and how to serve in doubles. There is no need to have arguments over the rules so get all your friends to watch this lesson too!

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

In tennis it gives you more control and power, because you are hitting the ball with more strenght, but in table tennis it isn't good because it reduce the speed of the stroke....

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