Doubles Player Rotation Between Games


Dion Yahoo
Dion Yahoo Asked 16 years ago

Lets say we have a doubles match, winner is best of 7 games.

After the first game, how are the player rotations determined?

Who can or should serve to who?

Which team and which player serves first in the next set? etc.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Dion,

If A & B are playing C & D.

In the first game A started the match by serving to C.  During the game then B was serving to D.  In the second game either C or D can serve first.  C & D can decide.  During the second game C would serve to A and D would serve to B.

If you are still unclear let me know and I will go through it more.

Here is an extract form the Rules brochure that is a free download from our website.


  • In doubles, the server must first make a good service, the receiver must then make a good return. All players must take it in turns to hit the ball.
  • When serving in doubles, the ball must touch successively the right half court of server and receiver.
  • In each game of a doubles match, the pair who serves first will choose which of them will do so, and in the first game of a match the receiving pair will decide which of them will receive first; in subsequent games of the match, when the first server has been chosen, the first receiver is the player who served to him in the preceding game.
  • In doubles, at each change of service the previous receiver becomes the server and the partner of the previous server becomes the receiver.

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