Doubles strategy


Dave K
Dave K Asked 11 years ago

Is it common for a player to "command" one side of the table for the whole game/match?  Meaning if I have a better backhand than my partner I would stay on the left side.  During service changes I move to the right side to serve/receive the ball with my partner standing behind me then I move back to the left side and let my partner move up to take his spot on the right side during play.  Do you have any videos on positional tactics for doubles?  After you hit move back to allow partner left/right coverage?  Then moving up really depends on where your partner is located after he's return.  I would think that this strategy also depends on the amount of space available behind the table.  If answering for my specific scenario I currently have 8.5' behind each end and 4.5' for each side.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Dave,

You are allowed to do this if it fits with your strategy.

It happens often when there is a left hand / right hand combination.  WIth 2 right handers if you really have a dominant backhand you can try this.  Standing directly behind might be the best option  so that you are not too far away from your basic ready position.

The thing to think about in doubles positioning, is to get yourself as close to the central area of the table and your comfortable position as possible while still giving your partner space to play their shot.

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Thoughts on this question

Dave K

Dave K Posted 11 years ago

thanks for the quick response

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

We now also have a doubles strategy video which hopefully you find helpful.

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