Drills: Eggs in the basket


Justin O'Toole
Justin O'Toole Asked 11 years ago

What do you think of the eggs in the basket drill.? I have done this with Merv. Also i have done this with Bruce Carter and he used to push me very extremely hard.

For people- table tennis players who don't know this driil this is how to do it. 1: Get quite a few balls in a basket put them just wide of the table on one side, or on the table does not matter wich side.

2: Get another basket on the other side and leave it empty. 3: Then put one ping pong ball at a time into the basket till all the balls have gone into the other basket. 4: time youself to see how long it takes to do.

Next time you do it try to beat your previous time, but remember use the correct footwork and soon as one ball goes into the basket get another ball right away pronto. Bruce told me Alois you have to be cruel to be kind you must push youself very hard and you coach must push you hard too.

His reason is this once one ball is in the basket you have to move proto hurry up back for another, because in a match if you up against a good player he is not going to wait for you. He will just hit it where he want's and will attack you off the table. He will not wait till you are ready for the next ball.

I totally agree with Bruce and it is something i will never forget and it has helped me in my matches. What do you think Alois.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Justin,

I love this drill. The one thing that I also emphasise with this drill is making sure you maintain good balance wile you are doing it.  It is too easy to stretch out and grab the balls from one basket and then stretch to put them in the other.

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