Drive or loop


chrizz msweb
chrizz msweb Asked 2 years ago

Hi coach. Give me your opinion.  Which one better: 

1. Do more drive, and rarely loop,  maybe loop for backspin only. 

2. Do more loop.  Do drive only for high ball or when you want to attack fast.

So far, I found no 1 is more natural to me. I can attack more which is suit my aggressive style. 

In my opinion,  (1) is more suitable when stand near the table,   (2) is more for defense style when stand a little bit far from table. Is that correct ?  

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Chrizz,

Go with what is natural for you.  In general I think the game is now more about drives or topspin in the rally.  You can use the loop early in the rally against a backspin ball to start the attack.

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