Edge tape


Abhiram Reddy
Abhiram Reddy Asked 11 years ago

Sometimes i hit the table and end up damaging the racket ply.I have seen edge tapes applied only to the sponge and ply of the racket in pre-mades.But i have covered up the side of the topsheet (ensuring that the playing surface is free from any tape) as well with a cloth tape on my custom bat. Is it Legal to do so.Will it affect my game  in any way say like the rubber slowing down or not bouncing enough or anything like that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Abriham,

You are allowed to do this.  Before a match though the umpire may peel the edge tape back to check the sponge and rubber under the tape but they will stick it back down again.

It won't effect your rubber at all.

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