Equipment 2677 questions and answers to read


martinand bernard
martinand bernard Asked 9 years ago

is it possible to write like a book for example all you need to know about the bat, all you need to know about rubbers and so one, when I ask a question the answer  is already in " ask the coach" but it's impossible to read all before 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Martinand,

This is something we have thought about… however another good idea with not much time to complete it.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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Thoughts on this question

Thomas Kunzfeld

Thomas Kunzfeld Posted 9 years ago

Just a feedback:

If I have a question I find it quite easy to look for an answer in the Ask-the-Coach section and often I find one :-)

martinand bernard

martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago

yes but too long to read the whole

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