Till what level is it better to choose control (all with unglued classical rubbers) rather than speed (tensored setup)?
Hi Peter,
I think once you have developed your strokes well to the stage where you are confident of getting the ball on consistently, then you can start to think about a faster setup.
If you re playing a topspin for example and swinging through freely and making 9 or 10 out of 10 shots on the table, then you may benefit from a faster rubber.
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peter bong Posted 10 years ago
Hi Alois,
I like to play with topspin. But with a full swing I make more errors then 9 out of 10. Fh topspin on backspin is 70 percent.Side and topspin is more difficult. Bh topspin is the same but with a lower hit rate.
I'm using a Joola greenline medium blade with Mendo 2.0(fh) and Vario soft 2.0(bh)
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
Hi Peter,
Stay with the same equipment for a bit longer.
peter bong Posted 10 years ago
Question for fun:
If a top ten world player plays with my bat in his competition, what problems will he encounter?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
The main problem will be he won't be able to hit the ball fast enough and when he tried to countertopspin it won't work for him because the rubber won't cope at those speeds and spins.