Equipment ratings


Merijn Machielse
Merijn Machielse Asked 13 years ago

Hey Alois/Jeff,

Im looking for new rubbers and when i search on the internet about the quality of the rubber i always see different numbers on different sites, example:

On one site i see that the Sriver EL has 7.5/10 spin rating and on the other i see 7.0/10 spin rating and on another i see 8/10 spin rating.This really confuses me and now i have no idea which sriver (normal/EL/FX) has the most spin/speed/control.

This is not only with the sriver but with all rubbers.

Do you guys know a trustable site who gives the right information? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Merijn,

You are right.  The numbers are really confusing and inconsistent.  I don't know of any sites but some more equipment savvy readers may have some suggestions for you.

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Thoughts on this question

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 13 years ago

i would guess sriver has at least an 8 out of 10 spin. fx is the softer sponge version and is probably even higher spin.

Leslie Yin

Leslie Yin Posted 13 years ago

There is which contains aggregate information about everyone's thoughts about most rubbers and blades, but even this can be very subjective.

The best thing would be to find someone at a club who is using that rubber and try it for yourself. If you can't then the next best thing to do is conduct some research on places such as the database I mentioned at the top or various table tennis forums that are available on the internet.

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