Europe vs Chinese style


Omer Levy
Omer Levy Asked 4 years ago

Hi alois and jeff, i used to use Chinese rubber on bh and fh and recently i make custom racket- fh side Europe rubber and bh Chinese rubber and i feel less control on the Europe rubber.

I'm considering to switch sides, can you tell me the difference between Chinese play style and European play style?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Omer,

The Chinese rubber tends to be harder with more surface grip so you can brush over the top of the ball more.  The European rubbers are softer so the ball sinks into the sponge so you can contact flatter and still generate spin.

It is a personal preference for you.  I would try it both sides and see which feels best for you.

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