Examples of levels of play


frederick breeden
frederick breeden Asked 11 years ago

Hi Guys, every so often you give instructions based on a persons level of play.  I was wondering if you could post some examples of different levels of play (ie beginner, beginner +, intermediate, intermediate +, advanced or the like).  I think it would help folks know where to place their development and give them an idea of what to strive for.  This could either be from samples of play that you have of folks at those stages or of you two playing at the given level.

Love the work you do, and thanks so much.

fred, ma (usa)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Federick,

That is a good suggestion.  We would need permission from the different players to put their video up and also to give them a level.

Does anyone else have any suggestion regarding this idea?

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Thoughts on this question

Francisco Cespedes Grau

Francisco Cespedes Grau Posted 11 years ago

If this goes on I will help with my video

Kaustubh Kulkarni

Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 11 years ago

yea surely !!! It will be very,very helpful !!!

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 11 years ago

I just want to share this, a good article about playing levels:


I hope it can give us all some insight about our own level.



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Erriza for finding that.

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