Exercises and special training for long pimples players


Francisco Peñarrubia
Francisco Peñarrubia Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

First of all, congratulations for the best online table tennis lessons. Please, keep going! :-)

My question:

As we get older, there are more people that decide to use long pimples rubbers. I have a friend who has progressed a lot, and he is constantly trying new tactics and strokes based in his long pimples rubber.

I wonder if you have made some video about tactics for this situation, or something like the excellent "PingSkills Drill" adapted to long pimples.

Any advice for this friend? (I told him to learn to serve with the pimples, and to twiddle, but he prefers to learn to attack with the pimples)

Thanks in advance, and best regards!!!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Fran,

We have a couple of tutorials for long pimple players in this section. Long Pimples.

In there we have lessons on the Chop Block, Attacking with the pimples and also on twiddling.

I hope this helps your friend.

Then it is a matter of using the pimples more and also practicing the switching between the pimples and the inverted rubber sides.


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Francisco Peñarrubia

Francisco Peñarrubia Posted 7 years ago

Ok, thank you very much!!

I will let him know :-)

Best regards!

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