Exercises for six year old player


Krzysztof Penciak
Krzysztof Penciak Asked 7 years ago


Few days ago I bought a table. My six years old son wants to play but of course he can not. To keep the ball on the table for two hits is hard for him. The question is, are there any excersises for such young boy which will help him to improve his skills? And these exercises should be rather like fun, not training for senior player because after a few failures he is discouraged.

Thanks for help.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Krzysztof,

Great to hear you have a table and a young son who wants to play.

I think the best thing is to keep things as simple as possible at first.  You can take the net off the table and get him to roll the ball to you.  You can even do this sideways on the table so it is a shorter distance.

Get him to do dome rolling of the ball on the floor as well.  The main thing is to let him have success with whatever he is attempting, that is why it is important to keep the tasks simple at first.  You could then bounce the ball to hi on the table and get him to tap it back to you.  Again working across the table is easier here as it is a shorter distance and there is no net in the way.  Try these few things first and then progress as he is getting comfortable.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#1 - Stroke Consistency

Session 1 of your 52 week training plan focuses on consistency of your strokes. As such we spend a lot of time working on grooving our strokes. Make sure to also watch the accompanying master class on consistency.

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