Extreme Ma Long's ace serve


Devansh Dubey
Devansh Dubey Asked 7 years ago

Hello sir,

Sir this is very important question about ma long ace serve or simply a fast serve. Sir I can't able to do ma long serve since I am trying it from 2 months with hard training. Only Alois sir you help me. Sir please tell me wrist position,  other hand toss, knee position and others. 

Sir please watch this video about my question


Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Devansh,

This can take a while to get right.  Think about hitting the ball quite flat and fast to start with.  Try to get the ball long enough and don't worry about hitting the ball long off the table initially.  This will give you the feel of how fast you can hit it.

Concentrate ont eh finishing contact rather than the start of the swing.  You will see that he hits the ball a little on the right side to get it to swing away from the opponent.  Once you have the contact then you can think about the deception of starting it looking like a Pendulum serve.

Remember even Ma Long would have taken months to perfect this serve so don't be worried if you haven't got it right as yet.

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The Float Serve

The float or no spin serve is an effective tool to have in your bag of serves. It adds good variation to your serves and can often set you up with an easy 3rd ball opportunity.

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Thoughts on this question

Devansh Dubey

Devansh Dubey Posted 7 years ago

Sir please suggest where to do the first bounce and second bounce and how can I fool my opponent as ma long or a fake shot.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

The first bounce needs to be close to you.

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