Facing an right handed opponent


Tam Tran
Tam Tran Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois.

I am going to practice matches with a friend soon. He is right handed and I'm left handed. But he's used to face left handed opponents and he's also an allround player with an offensive forehand. So my question is, what should I think about when facing a offensive right handed player as a lefty and what things/actions do I have to take notice?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Tam,

As a left hander think about trying to get your backhand wide to their forehand and then exposing their backhand.  Also think about trying to serve with some sidespin into the forehand which can often be an awkward serve for a right hander.

Remember though that each player will have their own things that can be exposed.

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