Fast and spin serve


Aman Trivedi
Aman Trivedi Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have seen many players using fast and spinning serve which is very difficult to receive. Whenever I try to do that serve either it's fast or spinning. 

I have tried the side spin serve but when it's fast it does not spin much. Please tell me what serve should I use that is fast as well as spinning? That would be really helpful. 

Thanks in advance

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Aman,

It is a trade off between the brushing contact and the flat contact.  You can still hit the ball quite flat but brush the ball on the way through to generate a fast spin serve.  It doesn’t matter which serve you try if you apply these principles you will get the fast spinning serve.

Take a look that this link. Fast serve down the line

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